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Welcome to the Barton’s Adventures section where you can discover and experience many viagra precios farmacia exciting places, events, foods, etc. along with me. I am thrilled to bring my longing to live a fulfilled life to you through my interactive travel map, videos and commentary. My goal is to visit every country in the world, and I would like you to join me as I check off these places. Enjoy and feel free to write some of your most adventurous moments, comments or suggestions.


Staying at the Embassy of Ghana in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Admiring the architecture of the Mayans at Edzna, Mexico

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico






Taming the lion in Barcelona, Spain


Touring and learning history of Belfast, Ireland


Photo of the Marienplatz in Munich, Germany


The Coliseum in Rome, Italy


Me at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France


At the opera house in Sidney, Australia


Getting ready to jump off the cliff at Rick’s Café in Negril, Jamaica

South Africa

At the beach in Capetown, South Africa


Last day of our 4-day hike levitra pill dosage of the Inca Trail, overlooking Machu Pichu in Peru


Me and the boys taking time to explore Taiwan


Hit a homerun in my first at-bat in Caracas, Venezuela



Bahamas islands

Bahamas islands

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While recovering from my eye injury, I was asked to take a seat in the announcer’s booth, during game one of a double header, to color commentate alongside radio host John Hunt of Phoenix Radio. For those who are wondering if this is a step in the direction of a career change, don’t even think about it.

However, I did enjoy my time in the booth, and it gives me a better appreciation for the craft that goes in to being a radio personality. But now, it is time for me to tadalafil 10 mg return to the field. I would rather have John talk about me than myself being the voice behind the microphone.

By the way, cialis pharmacie I really like the way the “U” is standing proudly on my shirt. “IT’S GREAT TO BE A MIAMI HURRICANE.” No wonder I am smiling so hard.

  • My personal mission
    My personal mission

    My personal mission is to determine purpose in all of my endeavors, pursue passions that have been revealed to me, and demonstrate integrity in my life. The mission also consists of living a fulfilled life by taking advantage of new opportunities and continuously pursuing my quest for knowledge - by meeting new people, traveling to new places, and being receptive to new ideas. My ultimate goal is to place a hand in impacting and enhancing the lives of others. In all, I recognize that my personal mission cannot and will not be fulfilled without the grace of God; the source of my strength, my happiness, and my life.

  • Mindset & ABCs
    Mindset & ABCs

    Purchase your copy of Brian D. Barton’s books, Mindset: Awareness and Action and ABCs of a Strong Healthy Mindset. These books are sure to provide positive insight on developing and maintaining a healthy mentality.

  • Mindset: Awareness and Action Book Sponsorship and Gifting Program
    Mindset: Awareness and Action Book Sponsorship and Gifting Program

    Sponsor your local school or organization by giving the gift of Mindset: Awareness and Action. More details inside.

"Leave a trail of great, so others can find the way to greatness"         " You can't be everything to everyone, but you can be everything to yourself!"         "By opening your eyes, you will open your mind, by opening your mind you will open your heart"


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